Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rainy season sort of in Cambodia

This year the dry season ended a month or more early and the rainy season has sort of started. We have been having short blasts of rain every few days. When the rainy season decides to really settle in, this will be a daily occurrence.

If you have ever lived in a tropical area, you know what real rain can be. In about 15 minutes the street has filled with water. Part of that is due to a large volume of rain and the other is people plug the drains to prevent the smell from coming out during the dry season.

My kitchen is on the west side of the building, and my small window has a tendency to let in rain when there is a wind from the west. Next to the window, decorative ventilation holes in the wall let cool air in and hot air out. But they also let in water when there is a west wind. I had the opportunity to mop the kitchen floor this afternoon because with the rain there was a west wind.

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