Monday, March 14, 2011

Not for the faint of heart, Worms

A colleague who has lived in the third world went to the doctor to have his overactive collection of worms removed, he told an American colleague about worms. The American colleague immediately goggled worms/parasites (Don't do that), he just about got sick on the spot. Ever since that he has been very concerned at every lunch, "is this safe to eat" the other colleague keeps telling him, "living here, you have worms all the time, you just don't know it". The American colleague asked "why don't we get them in the USA?" Well there are some in the USA but the chlorine in the water and sanitation there keeps them down.

The American colleague also asked why we get them here. The answer to that was simple, hygiene or should I say lack of.

Hygiene in street kitchens is not the best and I bet that in big restaurants it is not much better.

Here the girl is at least using soap but there is no running water, only water in a bucket and you are not sure where that came from.

The woman below is washing next to an open sewer.

Once food is cooked, it will sit out until you eat it, and you have no idea how long that is. Remember it is always warm here. 
Another thing is the cloths used to clean up are the same ones all day long. I have never seen anyone use a clean one.

By the way, I just finished my most recent round of medication to de-worm, I do this every six months.

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