Last evening I could not connect to the internet, this happens from time to time but usually it is only down for at most two hours. Last evening, it never came up, this morning it was still down. Hummmm. What could have caused this?
I receive my bill from the ISP as an e-mail and this month I paid the bill with on-line banking from my ANZ Royal Cambodian bank account. I put two and two together and guessed that my payment had not gone through and the ISP had blocked my account for not paying.
I went to the ISP and asked about my account. Yes, they had not received the payment, off to the bank, luckily they are only ½ kilometer apart. At the ATM I got a mini statement that showed that no money had been deducted for the internet payment. I asked at information if they could check and see what had gone wrong. The young woman showed me the statement on-line but could not tell me why the payment did not work. I had withdrawn enough cash to pay the bill. I went back to the ISP and paid the bill in cash.
Problem solved, I can now post more blog entries.
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