Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tour of the rice paddies

Late in the afternoon, I took my moto for a tour of the rice paddies just west of town. As I was going through Wat Nokor (a Buddhist temple area) I notice what looked like a pond of alligators. It was a pond full of water buffalo. They were cooling off after a hot day.

Being the end of the farming day there were several young children bringing home the cows.

I came upon a herd of cows headed home. This reminded me of Switzerland when the cows go up to the high pasture in spring time and come back down in autumn. As the herd would go past a house some of the cows would turn into through the gate, there was no need for anyone to direct them, they knew where to go.

Farmers are still planning rice. A farmer had just pulled and bundled rice shoots, and set them alongside the road. He had carefully counted them twice, I assume he was waiting for an ox cart to come along and tick them up.

As the rice grows from shoots into more mature plants, the countryside is turning lush green.

I finished my loop in the rice fields and went to dinner.

Yes, I had rice for dinner.

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