Sunday, May 2, 2010

Plastic sacks

In Belgium within the past two years grocery stores have begun charging for plastic sacks, so I take my own.

In Switzerland and Germany, it's expected that you bring your own sacks to the grocery store. You can purchase a paper sack at the checkout counter.

In Morocco, when you purchase something, you are given a black plastic sack. This is partly to carry whatever it is home but more importantly so the evil eye cannot see what you are carrying. When they give you the sack, they tie it up TIGHT. In fact it is tied so tight that most of the time I have had to rip the bag to get whatever I purchased out. I used the plastic bags for trash sacks, I have fought with a bag trying to untie for five minutes before giving up and ripping it.

In Cambodia they give you a plastic sack as well. Most here are clear or light blue. 

They also tie the sack. But here they tie the bag neatly so there is one loop for a handle and a smaller loop that you can pull and violĂ  the bag comes open without having to rip it. 

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